NCAA Restructures, Terminates Contract Appointments

ncaa-airport-aviationTHE Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority has terminated the appointment of eight contract officers, whose contracts have run for consecutive four years, contrary to the provision of the rules of tenure on contract appointment.

The agency has also embarked on internal restructuring in order to enhance efficiency in service delivery and safe flight operations within the nation’s airspace.

According to a statement by the Acting General Manager, corporate affairs of the agency, the restructuring also affected three special assistants to the erstwhile Minister of Aviation, who were domiciled with NCAA, as their appointments were terminated.

The statement said, officers within the agency have been re-assigned to fill the positions, in the affected directorates. “It is pertinent to point out that the management decision to carry out this exercise is in conformity with extant rules on tenure of contract appointment and in line with NCAA condition of service,” said Mr. Sam Adurogboye, who signed the statement last week.

While restructuring, the agency also put in place a succession plan to train staff of NCAA, a strategy for successful takeover from existing aging workforce in its service.

The NCAA, recently performed a successful International Civil Organisation Aviation (ICAO) Security Audit and has assured members of the flying public of its commitment to the oversight responsibilities so that safe flight operations in the country is guaranteed at all times, in addition to zero tolerance to violation of safety regulations.

