Community policing panacea for kidnapping, says cleric

Prophet Israel Adewale Ajadi.Photo:Twitter

General Overseer (GO), Forever in Christ Evangelical and Deliverance Ministry, Prophet Israel Adewale Ajadi, has said that community policing is needed in Nigeria now more than ever before.

He said the creation of community policing would end kidnapping and other forms of insecurity in Nigeria. He said this in Ikorodu area of Lagos State

He said: “We need to pray to God to expose everyone behind the kidnapping in Nigeria. The government is trying its best but the Nigeria security situation will improve only if community policing is created; it will help to end kidnapping in Nigeria.

“Lagos State used to be safe but it is no longer safe; kidnappers have infiltrated but we trust in God to strengthen security in Nigeria.”

Speaking on hardship in the country, he said: “Anyone that called President Bola Tinubu a messiah commits blunders. No one can improve the Nigerian situation any longer; people in government can only try their best. No one can improve Nigeria’s situation except if God is not truthful to his words; the only person who can solve the problems is Jesus Christ.

“But, meanwhile, God told me that this year will be fruitful.”

When asked about what his church is doing to empower society, he said: “We have a water factory and employ people to be working there. We do free eye checks for people. We are starting a Bible school where the needs of the students will be taken care of. They won’t pay for handouts, school fees, and other things.  We will also provide them with free transportation; soon, we will have a hospital where pregnant women can register and use for free; they will not pay anything to deliver in the hospital.”

Challenging Nigerians on giving, he said: “When you don’t give out, you can’t have more. It is easier to get more when you give out from the one you have. Nobody has it all but you need to give part of what you have.”


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