Celebrating 27 years of life, eight years of Lupus Advocacy

Turning 27, I can’t help but reflect on the journey I’ve had over the last eight years. My name is Owolabi Misturah Abisola, and for nearly a decade, I’ve been navigating life with Lupus while carving out a successful career as a entrepreneur, advertising copywriter, integrated marketing communications specialist, and all-round creative. It hasn’t been easy, but every challenge has made me stronger, more resilient, and more passionate about advocating for Lupus awareness.

When I was diagnosed at 19, I was terrified. I’d never heard of lupus before, and the idea that my own body was attacking itself was both confusing and frightening. In the early days, I felt isolated, with nobody to turn to who truly understood what I was going through. But instead of letting Lupus define and defeat me, I decided to make my story a source of strength—for myself and for others.

Working in a cutthroat industry like marketing communications and advertising demands a lot. You always have to show up, meet tight deadlines, and stay creative under pressure. Balancing this with the unpredictability of lupus has been one of my biggest challenges. There have been days when the joint pain, fatigue, and flare-ups made it hard to get out of bed. But each time I managed to show up and deliver my best work, I proved to myself that lupus could slow me down but not stop me. I am proud that despite my diagnosis, I have gone ahead to work with the top advertising agencies in Africa, recording milestones while leading teams and developing award winning campaigns for both local and international brands, with a Cannes Lion win to my name. In addition, I run and manage Misty Glam Company, Africa’s first truly inclusive commercial modeling agency, which champions representation and inclusion in the modeling industry.

Lupus, for those who don’t know, is like having a very confused, hyperactive bouncer watching your insides. This bouncer can’t tell the difference between a harmless partygoer (my healthy cells) and a genuine troublemaker (germs and viruses). So, in its passion to keep the club (my body) safe, it ends up tossing out everyone. Imagine hosting a party where the bouncer decides to evict all your guests, the DJ, and even you. That’s what lupus feels like.

The worst part, the bouncer then decides to bring its own guests- more complications—and crashes the party, making everything so much worse.

Over the years, my advocacy efforts have grown. I’ve written articles, spoken at events, and connected with countless others who share this diagnosis. One of my proudest moments was hearing from a newly diagnosed patient who found comfort and hope in my words. Knowing that my experiences could help someone else navigate their own journey made all the struggles worth it.

As I celebrate my birthday, my wishes for the future are simple yet profound. I dream of a world where there is a cure for lupus and nobody has to endure the uncertainty and pain that this disease brings. If a cure is still out of reach, then at least better access to free healthcare for all lupus patients would be a significant step forward. No one should have to choose between managing their health and affording their basic needs.

To all the Lupus warriors out there, remember that we are stronger together. Each story shared, each voice raised, and each day we persevere bring us closer to a world where lupus is understood, treated, and eventually cured. My journey has taught me that while lupus is a part of my life, it doesn’t define my potential or limit my dreams.
As I blow out the candles on my birthday cake, I’m filled with gratitude for the support I’ve received, the resilience I’ve discovered within myself, and the hope that drives me forward. Here’s to another year of life, love, and making lupus visible.Celebrating 27 Years of Life, Eight Years of Lupus Advocacy

Turning 27, I can’t help but reflect on the journey I’ve had over the last eight years. My name is Owolabi Misturah Abisola, and for nearly a decade, I’ve been navigating life with Lupus while carving out a successful career as a entrepreneur, advertising copywriter, integrated marketing communications specialist, and all-round creative. It hasn’t been easy, but every challenge has made me stronger, more resilient, and more passionate about advocating for Lupus awareness.

When I was diagnosed at 19, I was terrified. I’d never heard of lupus before, and the idea that my own body was attacking itself was both confusing and frightening. In the early days, I felt isolated, with nobody to turn to who truly understood what I was going through. But instead of letting Lupus define and defeat me, I decided to make my story a source of strength—for myself and for others.

Working in a cutthroat industry like marketing communications and advertising demands a lot. You always have to show up, meet tight deadlines, and stay creative under pressure. Balancing this with the unpredictability of lupus has been one of my biggest challenges. There have been days when the joint pain, fatigue, and flare-ups made it hard to get out of bed. But each time I managed to show up and deliver my best work, I proved to myself that lupus could slow me down but not stop me. I am proud that despite my diagnosis, I have gone ahead to work with the top advertising agencies in Africa, recording milestones while leading teams and developing award winning campaigns for both local and international brands, with a Cannes Lion win to my name. In addition, I run and manage Misty Glam Company, Africa’s first truly inclusive commercial modeling agency, which champions representation and inclusion in the modeling industry.

Lupus, for those who don’t know, is like having a very confused, hyperactive bouncer watching your insides. This bouncer can’t tell the difference between a harmless partygoer (my healthy cells) and a genuine troublemaker (germs and viruses). So, in its passion to keep the club (my body) safe, it ends up tossing out everyone. Imagine hosting a party where the bouncer decides to evict all your guests, the DJ, and even you. That’s what lupus feels like.

The worst part, the bouncer then decides to bring its own guests- more complications—and crashes the party, making everything so much worse.

Over the years, my advocacy efforts have grown. I’ve written articles, spoken at events, and connected with countless others who share this diagnosis. One of my proudest moments was hearing from a newly diagnosed patient who found comfort and hope in my words. Knowing that my experiences could help someone else navigate their own journey made all the struggles worth it.

As I celebrate my birthday, my wishes for the future are simple yet profound. I dream of a world where there is a cure for lupus and nobody has to endure the uncertainty and pain that this disease brings. If a cure is still out of reach, then at least better access to free healthcare for all lupus patients would be a significant step forward. No one should have to choose between managing their health and affording their basic needs.

To all the Lupus warriors out there, remember that we are stronger together. Each story shared, each voice raised, and each day we persevere bring us closer to a world where lupus is understood, treated, and eventually cured. My journey has taught me that while lupus is a part of my life, it doesn’t define my potential or limit my dreams.

As I blow out the candles on my birthday cake, I’m filled with gratitude for the support I’ve received, the resilience I’ve discovered within myself, and the hope that drives me forward. Here’s to another year of life, love, and making lupus visible.


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