App to manage real estate unveiled

A new app aimed at helping Nigerians, especially those in the urban areas, solve the accommodation problem has been unveiled.    The app,, according to its co-founder/Chief Operating Officer, Tobi Kuti, is an innovative
1 week ago
Aidan Gomez, the CEO and co-founder of Cohere, is photographed during an interview at the Collision 2024 tech conference in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 18, 2024. - For a few days, AI chip juggernaut Nvidia sat on the throne as the world's biggest company, but behind the company’s staggering success are questions on whether new entrants can stake a claim to the artificial intelligence bonanza. “Enterprises are skeptical of technology, and they're risk averse, and so we need to win their trust and to prove to them that there's a way to adopt this technology that's reliable, trustworthy and secure,” Cohere CEO Aidan Gomez told AFP. When he was just 20 years old, Gomez co-authored the seminal paper “Attention Is All You Need,” which introduced the Transformer, the architecture behind popular large language models like OpenAI’s GPT-4. (Photo by Cole BURSTON / AFP)

Beyond Nvidia: the search for AI’s next breakthrough

For a few days, AI chip juggernaut Nvidia sat on the throne as the world’s biggest company, but behind the its staggering success are questions on whether new entrants can stake a
2 weeks ago

Dell canvasses focus on AI, cybersecurity

Dell has canvassed an improved focus on artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity and data for better business development.    This was the focus at the ‘Innovate with Data Summit,’ organised by Dell held in Lagos.    The
2 weeks ago