Buni assents Yobe’s N163b appropriation bill

Yobe State Governor, Mai Mala Buni, has signed the state’s 2023 N163b budget into law.
Assenting to the budget, in Damaturu, Buni said that Next Year’s budget is for continuity, consolidation, and economic transformation, stating that the appropriation law will dwell on the completion of ongoing capital projects in the state.
He added that the capital and recurrent expenditures of the budget stood at N75.1 billion and N87.8 billion respectively.

He noted that the quick passage of the budget was an indication of the good working relationship between the executive and legislative arms of government.
He listed the capital projects to be completed next year to include the International Cargo Airport, Damaturu; three modern markets, and a trailers’ park with facilities in Potiskum.
He said that the budget’s capital projects are to boost the state’s Internally Generated Revenue (IGR).
“We are initiating new projects to create more job opportunities for our youths and women to promote self-reliance,” he said.

He, therefore, called on public officeholders, civil servants, and contractors to continue to uphold the values of transparency, due process, and accountability to ensure financial discipline in the implementation of the budget.


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