B’Haram seizes ISWAP bases in Borno, 11 commanders flee

Boko Haram has seized the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) operational bases with the fleeing of 11 commanders and cleric in the Lake Chad region of Borno State.

The seized bases of the terror group are in Abadam Local Council.
A counter-insurgency expert in the Lake Chad region, Zagazola Makama, disclosed, yesterday, in Maiduguri that the seizure of the ISWAP bases forced 11 commanders to flee along with ISWAP cleric, Abu Moussab al-Barnawi.

“The seizure, led by Boko Haram leader, Abu Umaimah, and some commanders also led to the killing of about 100 ISWAP terrorists,” he said.

Corroborating the story, a military source in Maiduguri said: “The violent clashes commenced on December 31, 2022, after the Boko Haram faction attacked three armoury bases of ISWAP at Toumbum Allura Kurnawa and Kangar in Abadam Local Council.”

According to the source, the ISWAP terrorists were overpowered during the 14-hour gunbattle.
The source added that on January 2, 2023, the Amir Jaysh of Boko Haram, Ali Ngulde, led five Khaids comprising Muke from Mandara Mountains, Ali Ghana from Ngauri, Abbah Tukur from Mantari and Maimusari.

Makama said that Abu Isa joined them to attack ISWAP, destroying gun trucks and other weapons.
“On January 8, the Boko Haram fighters also attacked another ISWAP base located North of Kayowa and Toumbun Gini,” he said, adding that about 35 ISWAP fighters were injured.

On the fleeing commanders, he said: “The Boko Haram fighters chased the ISWAP fighters towards Kangarwa and Dogon Chuku axes,” killing more fighters in the Lake Chad region.

He added that Boko Haram captured the major market of ISWAP at Toumbun Gini.

Meanwhile, he said Al-Barnawi of Boko Haram has relocated to the south of Borno in the Gol-Chillaria axis of Damboa Local Council in Sambisa Forest.
He added that Al-Barnawi was received by Abbah Shuwa (Ba’a Shuwa), who was appointed as the Wali of the ISWAP in November 2022.

Makama noted that Shuwa was forced to operate from Gol and Chillaria due to the perennial flooding that submerged most of the camps in the Lake Chad region.

His words: “The flooding forced the active fighters and their families to relocate to Jibularam, Kwalaram, Kusuma-Tumbumma, Chikun-Gudu, Bukar-Mairam and Abbaganaram hideouts.”
He noted that the Boko Haram fighters took advantage of the current challenges of the ISWAP enclaves and struck.


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