Akinde, Bamgbola Task Christians, Leaders On Sacrifice

The Archbishop of the Ecclesiastical Province of Lagos, Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) and Bishop, Lagos Mainland, Most Rev. Adebayo Dada Akinde, has called on Nigerians, especially Christians to reflect on their lifestyles, values and relationship with God, more so, as they join their counterparts the world over to celebrate the risen Christ, tomorrow.

In his Easter message to Nigerians, the Archbishop reminded Christians of the humility of Christ and His subjection to all the vicissitudes of life, including being tempted by the devil. He said that the good news about Jesus Christ was the good examples He set for mankind to emulate.

“He was falsely accused, falsely condemned to death and brutally nailed on the Cross. Through Christ’s death and the shedding of His blood, He made the greatest sacrifice. This to me, is an example for every believer to emulate so that wherever the Lord puts you, you must be disposed towards making sacrifices for the good of others.”

While calling on political leaders, especially the newly elected leaders, the cleric said, “our political leaders and players in particular need to learn from the sacrificial lifestyle of Jesus, our Saviour and Redeemer.

“In other words, when Christians find themselves in politics or God raises them to a position of authority, they must be prepared to make sacrifice at every level. They should be ready to make sacrifice for the generality of Nigerians. A situation where a greater percentage of the nation’s wealth is squandered in an attempt to service the presidency is wrong.

“It is equally wrong for members of the National Assembly to squander our God-given resources on themselves because we are always hearing of billions of naira being spent by them. It is ridiculous that in a country like Nigeria, where many are wallowing in abject poverty, our politicians are busy spending billions of naira on themselves. It is unchristian, immoral, every thing evil and they must be told, especially those who have just been elected. They are not to go to their offices to gratify themselves. Rather, they should serve the interests of the common man.”

In the same vein, the Chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria, Lagos Chapter, Apostle Alexander Bamgbola has enjoined Christians to see Easter as a time for liberation and freedom for mankind.

Bamgbola who used the occasion to congratulate the president-elect, General Muhammadu Buhari, said it is time for Nigerians to come together and work for the progress of the country.

He said: “What Christians celebrate during Easter is the sacrifice that the Lord Jesus made on the cross to wash away the sins of mankind. Jesus gave His life for the human race, we must also be ready to sacrifice for one another and live in love.”

He noted that the election of Buhari and the fact that the incumbent president conceded defeat was a testimony that God is on the throne of Nigeria.

“Both leaders have demonstrated their love for Nigeria. President Goodluck Jonathan has served Nigeria well and has done a good thing by congratulating the winner of the election. That is why there is peace in the land. The in-coming president has also been magnanimous in victory. This is the Lord’s doing.”

He called on Christians to comport themselves in a way that reflects the Lord Jesus. “As we celebrate this Easter, I want to appeal to believers in to display love and be ready to make sacrifices at every time for the peace and progress of Nigeria. We are certainly going to be great as a nation again.”


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